Thursday, 17 May 2012


Digsby: Buka IM, Emel, dan MySpace Dengan Satu Perisian

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

hidden files

Melihat Fail Tersembunyi Dalam Windows

Elakkan Virus....

Buka Folder Dan Drive Dengan Selamat, Elakkan Virus!

Task Killer

Task Killer: Tutup Aplikasi yang Tidak Berfungsi (Hang)

repair pc anda...

Disk Heal: Baiki PC Anda Setelah Terkena Virus


Disk Heal: Baiki PC Anda Setelah Terkena Virus


Berkongsi Fail dan Folder Dalam Rangkaian

“Task Manager is Disabled”

Membaiki “Task Manager is Disabled”


Bina Laman Web: Pilih Warna Yang Sesuai


Lajukan Startup Windows Dengan Autoruns

Windows XP

Tukar Rupa Windows XP Anda

Install Windows XP Pada Hard Disk SATA

Install Windows XP Pada Hard Disk SATA

Akses Laman Web Dengan User Name dan Password Percuma

Akses Laman Web Dengan User Name dan Password Percuma

Tentang Codec

Codec adalah singkatan dari Code-Decoder (sebagian menyebutnya Compressor-Decompressor) dan digunakan untuk menjelaskan segala sesuatu yang mengubah data kedalam bentuk lain untuk disimpan atau transimisi, dan mengubahnya kembali agar dapat digunakan.

Dalam siaran tradisional, adalah peralatan dalam bentuk fizik yang mengubah video analog dan data audio kedalam bentuk digital untuk disiarkan. Ini juga mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengubah informasi digital yang diterima kembali dalam bentuk analog.

Dalam komputer, codec adalah cara mengkompres video, gambar dan audio kedalam ukuran yang mudah diatur. Kebanyakan codec menggunakan metode kompresi “lossy (hilang)”, namun ada beberapa yang “lossless-tidak hilang”. Codec yang lossless seperti MSU atau Huffyuv, menghasilkan kembali video yang asli tanpa ada data yang hilang ketika dikodifikasi kembali.  Kebanyakan codec lossy menghilangkan beberapa informasi yang tidak perlu tapi dapat menjimatkan ruang.

Codec lossy dapat berupa transformatif, prediktif, atau gabungan dari keduanya. Codec transformatif memotong gambar atau suara asli dan menggabungkannya  dalam space yang lebih efesien, kemudian baru dikodifikasi.  Codec yang prediktif membandingkan sekumpulan data yang dekat satu sama lainnya, dan menghapus informasi yang berlebihan  untuk mengecilkan ukuaran file. Ada banyak bentuk codec, setiap codec berupaya untuk menjaga kseseimbangan antara data yang hilang dengan ukuran data.

Codec MPEG-1 digunakan untuk VCD  dan berisi juga standar untuk MP3, codec audio yang paling banyak dipakai. Support untuk codec-1 sangat besar baik dari computer maupun peralatan film. Kualiti nya pun sangat tinggi meskipun tidak setinggi MPEG-2 yang ukuran filenya sangat besar. Standard audio MP3 mendapat sokongan banyak melalui berbagai codec dan sangat popular untuk solusi kompresi file audio.

Codec MPEG-2 adalah standar kualitas yang tinggi yang digunakan untuk DVD. Sementara codec MPEG-1 hanya memungkinkan scanning progressive. MPEG-2 juga mendukung interlacing yang memungkinkan menampilkan gambar yang lebih bagus.  Msekipuna codec ini bukanlah codec yang paling advance diantara codec-codec lainnya,  MPEG-2 banyak digunakan karana ini adalah standar untuk DVD komerisial.

Codec MPEG-4 adalah  teknologi diatas codec MPEG-2. Ia memiliki banyak kemajuan teknik maupuan teknik kompresi  yang lebih baik. Ia mampu mengatasi interlaced dan progressive scan.  Banyak codec online terkenal di internet berasal dari code MPEG-4. Ini termasuk DivX, 3ivx dan XviD.  Setiap codec-codec ini memiliki sedikit perubahan dari codec MPEG-4 yang asli untuk meberikan hasil dan fungsi kompresi untuk situasi berbeda.

Codec Ogg Theora dan Ogg Vorbis adalah codec audio dan video. Kedua codec ini memiliki kualitas yang tinggi dan kompresi yang bagus dan gratis.  Codec ini merupakan yang paling popular dikalangan developer. RealVideo adalah codec video yang dibuat khusus untuk streaming video online. Meskipun semua codec dapat digunakan untuk streaming, realvideo dan saudaranya realaudio dirancang khusus untuk PNA dan Real Time Streaming Protocol.

Ada ratusan codec di internet dan semuanya memiliki fungsi khusus untuk applikasi tertentu. Banyak program seperti Media Player memliki fitur yang akan mencari secara automatik codec yang diperlukan untuk memutar video atau audio yang diperlukan sehingga penggunya tidak perlu bersusah-susah untuk mencari codec yang diperlukan.

Apa itu Codec?

Anda ingin memainkan satu video klip, tetapi apabila anda membukanya, hanya bunyi yang kedengaran tanpa video. Pernahkah anda mengalami situasi begini?

Jika ya, itu bermakna anda tidak mempunyai codec yang sesuai untuk memainkan fail video tersebut. Biasanya Windows Media Player (atau apa – apa pemain video yang lain) akan mengeluarkan mesej seperti “Error downloading codec”.

Codec bererti compressor/decompressor. Codec ini digunakan untuk memampatkan fail video yang bersaiz besar.

Jika anda menghadapi masalah seperti yang di atas, anda hanya perlu mendapatkan codec yang sesuai untuk fail video tersebut. Untuk lebih mudah, download sahaja codec semua dalam satu, contohnya K-Lite Codec Pack.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012



what is codec???
     "Codec" is a technical name for "compression/decompression". It also stands for "compressor/decompressor" and "code/decode". All of these variations mean the same thing: a codec is a computer program that both shrinks large movie files, and makes them playable on your computer. Codec programs are required for your media player to play your downloaded music and movies.

 "Why do we need codecs?"

      Because video and music files are large, they become difficult to transfer across the Internet quickly. To help speed up downloads, mathematical "codecs" were built to encode ("shrink") a signal for transmission and then decode it for viewing or editing. Without codecs, downloads would take three to five times longer than they do now. 

"What are the common codecs people use?"

Some codec examples are MP3, WMA, RealVideo, RealAudio, DivX and XviD. There are many other more obscure codecs.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

The malware numbers game: how many viruses are out there?

The malware numbers game: how many viruses are out there?

**Summary: How many distinct strains of malware are in circulation today? If you said hundreds of thousands or millions, you’re way off. A close look at numbers from one leading security company helps explain why some big numbers don’t tell the whole story.

How many strains of malware are in circulation right now, for Windows PCs, Android devices, and Macs?
That seems like a straightforward question, but the answer is far from simple. And the number might be a lot lower than you think.

If you check with the leading security companies, you might be tempted to pick an answer in the millions. After all, that’s how many listings you’ll find in the definition files for common antivirus programs. At day’s end on April 12, for example, Symantec published the summary shown below, noting that its latest Virus Definitions file contained 17,702,868 separate signatures.

 17.7 million? That certainly sounds like a very big number. But before you get swept away, it’s worth taking a closer look at what it really represents.

Eight days earlier, on April 4, that same Norton/Symantec definition file contained 17,595,922 separate detections. With 106,946 additional definitions in a mere eight days, you’d probably conclude that malware is out of control.

Because the Norton brand name is primarily associated with Windows PCs, you’d probably also assume that all of that activity was aimed at the Windows platform. And you’d be wrong in both cases.

Definition files are a great way of assessing the degree of activity at a computer security company. They vaguely measure the current intensity level of the cat-and-mouse game between malware authors and security companies. But counting signatures says nothing about what’s new.

I took a closer look at the Symantec definitions for that week and found a very interesting story.
Symantec, to its credit, publishes detailed information about what’s in each new definition file, including what’s new. On any given day, it displays the total number of new and revised detections, followed by their details, like this:

In the eight days between April 5 and April 12, only 12 new detections were added to Symantec’s certified definition file, with six of them added on a single day, April 10. Here’s a breakdown:
  • Three were generic detections for malicious packages (Packed.Generic.360 through .362). These aren’t really new strains of malware, only new forms of packaging. The accompanying writeup calls each one a “heuristic detection for files that may have been obfuscated or encrypted in order to conceal themselves from antivirus software.”
  • Four are generic detections for existing fake antivirus packages (Trojan.FakeAV!gen90 and gen91, SmartAVFraud!gen2, and SecShieldFraud!gen5). These are also heuristic detections, designed to identify rogue anti-malware programs by their behavior rather than by their ever-shifting content.
  • Two were aimed at Android-powered devices: Android.Tigerbot and Android.Gonfu.D are both backdoors found in malicious Android apps.
  • One new entry is simply called Adware.SafeTerra, with no associated description.
  • One new entry is for something called Trojan.Darkshell, which has only a vague description (“may perform distributed denial of service attacks”).
  • One is the infamous Flashback, for Macs, formally known as OSX.Flashback.K.
The total number of named entries listed in the summary of those definition files during that period was 303—12 new and 291 revised. So where does the 100,000+ number come from? It appears to be a count of individual pieces of identifying data—signatures—associated with those named entries. Counting every signature is an easy way to get to an impressively large number, but it isn’t an accurate way to asses the current threat landscape.

That list includes a lot more than malicious software, too. Categories include Adware, Hack Tool (many of which are legitimate), Joke, Misleading Application, Potentially Unwanted App, and Security Assessment Tool. When I excluded those categories, I ended up with only 213 named entries in the Trojan, Worm, and Virus categories.

I was surprised to find that many of the definitions on this list are for very old pieces of code. During this one-week period in April 2012, Symantec updated its definitions for the following pieces of ancient malware and bumped up the counter in its definition files accordingly:
  • The SubSeven Trojan, which was a big deal in the late 1990s but was officially shut down in 2003
  • W32.Chir.B@mm, a mass-mailing worm from 2002 that targets Internet Explorer versions 4 through 5.5
  • Spybot, a family of worms that spread using the Kazaa file-sharing network and a variety of Windows 2000/XP flaws that were patched in 2003
  • Netsky, a 2004-vintage mass-mailing worm
  • Mydoom, another mass-mailing worm that spawned one of the first botnets; it was programmed to do most of its damage in February 2004 and fizzled out within a few years
In addition, these April 2012 definition files include multiple revised detections for Waledac and Rustock, the Trojans responsible for two prolific spam botnets that were decisively shut down in February 2010 and March 2011, respectively.

For each named entry, Symantec includes the date when that entry was first added to its definitions list. Out of the total of 213 new named entries on the list, more than 85% were from 2010 or earlier. Only 31 entries were discovered in 2011 or 2012. And one-third of those were from non-Windows platforms. Two of the recent samples were for OS X—the original OSX.Flashback, from last fall, and the newer OSX.Flashback.K, which wreaked havoc on Mac owners over the past month.

Most interestingly, eight entries on the list—more than 25%—were for Android-related malware. Given the size of the Android installed base and the lack of any central control over Android app markets, that shouldn’t be surprising. On its Latest Threats and Risks list, Symantec includes writeups for more than 80 Android-related programs, most classified as Trojans or Spyware. That’s 11% of the total of 720 items on the list.

To make sure those numbers were representative, I looked at the Symantec definitions database for the entire month of March. In all, 66 new named entries were added to the list, or about two per day. Of that total, 36 represented new, named Trojans, viruses, and worms. Five of them were aimed at Android devices, one targeted OS X (no, it wasn’t a Flashback variant), and there was one new entry each for Symbian OS, Linux, and an Adobe Flash Player exploit.

In its 2011 Security Intelligence report, released earlier this year, Microsoft security researchers noted the problem with trying to measure the threat landscape by counting unique malware samples:

Ever since criminal malware developers began using client and server polymorphism (the ability for malware to dynamically create different forms of itself to thwart antimalware programs), it has become increasingly difficult to answer the question “How many threat variants are there?” Polymorphism means that there can be as many threat variants as infected computers can produce; that is, the number is only limited by malware’s ability to generate new variations of itself.

If you look carefully at the Windows malware landscape over the last 10 years, it’s apparent that a relatively small number of families are responsible for almost all the damage we’ve seen. I’ll look more closely at those families, and the evolution of Windows malware, in a follow-up to this post.

17.7 Juta – Jumlah Virus Komputer Aktif Di Kesan Oleh Symantec

17.7 Juta – Jumlah Virus Komputer Aktif Di Kesan Oleh Symantec


Pada 12 April 2012, Symantec telah mengeluarkan kenyataan tentang jumlah sebenar virus komputer yang aktif sekarang ini. Symantec berjaya mengesan 17.7 juta virus komputer sehingga ke awal April 2012.
Kesemua virus tersebut dipelopori oleh 303 jenis virus, ada 12 jenis virus baru dan selebihnya hanya virus yang di jelmakan semula dari versi lama.

Jumlah kesemua virus ini mencapai jutaan kerana setiap virus memiliki berjuta siganture files atau variasi berlainan milik virus tersebut yang ‘membiak’ secara automatik. Lebih mengejutkan jumlah 17.7 juta itu merangkumi 3 sistem operasi komputer – Windows, OS X, Android. iOS tidak termasuk buat masa ini.
Android tidak banyak kena serangan virus tapi kita tidak akan tahu bila virus ini akan menyerang. Jika Anda selalu melayari intrnet lebih dai 3 jam sehari, besar kemungkinan Anda terdedah kepada serangan virus dalam diam yang menjankit melalui internet.

Kami cadangangkan Anda install aplikasi anti virus dicipta khas untuk Android, kini didapati dalam versi percuma dari Google Play Market. Jenama paling dipercayai adalah Kaspersky, AVG dan Avast, berdasarkan jumlah download oleh pengguna mereka.


           The history of the Internet began with the development of computers in the 1950s. This began with point-to-point communication between mainframe computers and terminals, expanded to point-to-point connections between computers and then early research into packet switching. Packet switched networks such as ARPANET, Mark I at NPL in the UK, CYCLADES, Merit Network, Tymnet, and Telenet, were developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s using a variety of protocols. The ARPANET in particular led to the development of protocols for internetworking, where multiple separate networks could be joined together into a network of networks. 1974 ABC interview with Arthur C. Clarke in which he describes a future of ubiquitous networked personal computers. In 1982 the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) was standardized and the concept of a world-wide network of fully interconnected TCP/IP networks called the Internet was introduced. Access to the ARPANET was expanded in 1981 when the National Science Foundation (NSF) developed the Computer Science Network (CSNET) and again in 1986 when NSFNET provided access to supercomputer sites in the United States from research and education organizations. Commercial internet service providers (ISPs) began to emerge in the late 1980s and 1990s. The ARPANET was decommissioned in 1990. The Internet was commercialized in 1995 when NSFNET was decommissioned, removing the last restrictions on the use of the Internet to carry commercial traffic.

             Since the mid-1990s the Internet has had a drastic impact on culture and commerce, including the rise of near-instant communication by electronic mail, instant messaging, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) "phone calls", two-way interactive video calls, and the World Wide Web with its discussion forums, blogs, social networking, and online shopping sites. The research and education community continues to develop and use advanced networks such as NSF's very high speed Backbone Network Service (vBNS), Internet2, and National LambdaRail. Increasing amounts of data are transmitted at higher and higher speeds over fiber optic networks operating at 1-Gbit/s, 10-Gbit/s, or more. The Internet continues to grow, driven by ever greater amounts of online information and knowledge, commerce, entertainment and social networking.

            It is estimated that in 1993 the Internet carried only 1% of the information flowing through two-way telecommunication. By 2000 this figure had grown to 51%, and by 2007 more than 97% of all telecommunicated information was carried over the Internet.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

kesan-kesan VIRUS terhadap komputer


Penggunaan komputer sudah tidak asing lagi bagi rakyat Malaysia. Tidak kira golongan umur sama ada muda ataupun tua. Dengan penggunaan yang meluas, semakin banyak munculnya virus-virus yang merosakkan komputer.
Virus boleh merebak melalui:-
  • Pendrive / USB Drive.
  • Email
  • CD / DVD
  • Disket
Virus akan masuk melalui alat-alat di atas dan terus masuk ke pacuan keras (Hard Disk) atau pun ke memori sementara (RAM) dan kemudian akan mengubah fail-fail yang terdapat di dalam komputer. Lebih teruk lagi jika virus tersebut mula menghantar data-data penting atau peribadi kepada mereka yang menghantar virus tersebut.

Antara kesan-kesan komputer yang terkena virus adalah:-
  • Kelajuan komputer menjadi amat lembab.
  • Komputer tidak dapat dihidupkan.
  • Mouse pointer di skrin bergerak sendiri.
  • Pacuan CD/DVD keluar dan masuk bagaikan di rasuk hantu.
  • Fail/Data tidak dapat dibuka.
  • Pacuan Keras (Hard Disk) tiba-tiba menjadi penuh & tidak dapat menampung data-data baru.
Anda sudah semestinya tidak mahu mendapat kesan-kesan tersebut bukan?

Di sini saya sediakan panduan asas bagaimana untuk mengelak daripada terkena jangkitan virus pada komputer anda.
  1. Dapatkan perisian anti virus yang terkini & jangan lupa update supaya anda mendapat versi dan maklumat virus yang terkini.
  2. Scan pacuan luar (external storage) tertutamanya yang bukan milik anda sebelum membuka data-data di dalam pacuan tersebut.
  3. Elakkan daripada membuka email yang anda tidak kenal terutamanya yang disertakan dengan fail yang berakhir dengan “.exe”.
  4. Jangan klik pada mana-mana banner yang mengatakan komputer anda telah terkena virus dan menyuruh anda klik pada banner tersebut untuk scan komputer anda. Jika betul komputer anda terkena virus, antivirus yang anda gunakan akan memberitahu anda. Bukan popup dari  browser seperti internet explorer / firefox / chrome.
  5. Bagi yang menggunakan perisian Messenger seperti Yahoo, MSN ataupun ICQ, fail yang anda terima perlu di scan dahulu sebelum anda buka fail tersebut.
Ada banyak lagi langkah-langkah lain untuk mengelak daripada terkena virus komputer tetapi langkah asas di atas sudah cukup untuk anda amalkan.


Bagi mereka yang pening atau tak tahu perisian antivirus mana yang perlu dibeli, anda boleh mencuba Kaspersky Antivirus 2010. Boleh didapati dengan harga yang murah (harga pasaran RM50 – lesen setahun) dan amat senang digunakan. Mempunyai sistem perlidungan automatik yang melindungi komputer anda dari ancaman virus tidak kira sama ada dari internet ataupun dari pacuan luar. Tambahan lagi mempunyai sistem pengesan bagi mereka yang bermain game.